
Odra dla ludzi i natury

We Wrocławiu Koalicja Czas na Odrę, w której działa kilkadziesiąt organizacji z Polski, Niemiec i Czech, zorganizowała w dniach 28 i 29 maja 2024 międzynarodową konferencję o perspektywach renaturyzacji w dorzeczu Odry. Celem konferencji było rozpoczęcie ponadgranicznej debaty o możliwościach przywrócenia rzece, jej dolinie i dorzeczu naturalnego charakteru, dla dobra ludzi i bioróżnorodności. W relacjonowanej… Read More »Odra dla ludzi i natury
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Perspectives on Renaturion Potential in the international Catchment Area of the Oder

Oder Expert Conference on May 28, 2024 in Wrocław / via live stream
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An international coalition has presented a vision for the future of the Oder River

An international coalition has presented a vision for the future of the Oder River. It wants governments to comply with their own regulations.
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Let’s stop a new disaster in the Oder River!

Several months have passed since the environmental disaster, caused by the poisoning of the Oder River, took place. Unfortunately, the situation on the river has not improved significantly.
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Note on SAVE ODER DIE: This is a call to action!

Note on SAVE ODER DIE: This is a call to action! On September 4th we all want to stand by the Oder together.
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Time for change!

It is important that together, with the participation of public debate, use the crisis for needed and real systemic changes!
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Oder catastrophe: Completely clarify causes and ensure restoration of the Oder – Restoration and renaturation of the Oder must now have top priority

According to the conviction of the environmental and nature conservation organisations united in the "Action Alliance Living Oder", the full extent of the catastrophe can be assessed in a few weeks at the earliest. However, a comparison can already be made with the Sandoz disaster which happened on the Rhine in 1986.
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NGOs, Scientists, and Politicians demand the Stop of Expansion Plans on the River Oder

Environmental associations and movements, scientists and parliamentarians from all over Poland and Germany have published a joint declaration to protect the River Oder from being expanded to develop inland navigation under the pretext of flood protection
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EEB META News: Controversial plans for destructive Danube-Oder-Elbe waterway moving forward

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens' organisations. EEB released a META News about the controversial plans for destructive Danube-Oder-Elbe waterway.
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WWF, BUND and Deutscher Naturschutzring Call for a Stop to the Planning for the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal

The canal would mean the end of these last large and still relatively near-natural river and floodplain landscapes.
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